There is no “they” at BARD, there is only “we” – we commit and support each other as a team, as One BARD. As stakeholders, we take ownership by accepting accountability and sharing responsibility for achievements and challenges as One BARD. We choose to be part of the solution.


Transforming Materials Responsibly to Build Better Lives, Communities, and Country.

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Ryan Rygh Material Delivery Professional

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Bob CauffmanMaterial Delivery Professional

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Christopher DuganAggregate Production Foreman

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Larry Tibbott Material Delivery Professional

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Jamie ReuterMaterial Delivery Professional

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Mark MasseyMaterial Delivery Professional

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Matt AmoroseMaterial Delivery Professional

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Paul Putney Material Delivery Professional

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Ellen HirschCustomer Service Rep

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Mark Stoney Material Delivery Professional

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Dan Huinker Material Delivery Professional

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Dale MescherStrategic Promotions Manager

Show Team Member Quote

“Always Learn, Do, and Improve” means continuous learning, staying challenged in our jobs, and engaged in our work for the mutual benefit of our customer and company. It means we are willing to keep an open mind and never think we are too “experienced” to learn something new.

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Kyle KrauseCentral Region Dispatch Manager

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Brian Grocholski Material Delivery Professional

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Edward StimpsonMDP

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Mike RoachMaterial Delivery Professional

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Zachary PrierAggregate Production Operator

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Andy RinikerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Larry Block Material Delivery Professional

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Rhonda Juran Technical Service Rep

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Lucas Hammel Aggregate Production Operator

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Roger FischerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Jerrett HelmrichsAggregate Production Operator

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Dorothy ElsberndLoader Operator

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Jarrett TrenkampMechanic

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Dave HunterMaterial Delivery Professional

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Steve KluesnerCentral Region Area Manager

Show Team Member Quote

Resilient people use positive emotions and experiences to handle our negative setbacks. At BARD, we make the choice to be positive and resilient even in the face of adversity.

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Bill Hoffman Material Delivery Professional

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Marv White Material Delivery Professional

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Hayden Black Material Delivery Professional

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Cory AddisonBatch Manager

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Mark Patterson Material Delivery Professional

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David FangmanAggregate Production Foreman

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Greg Torrance Material Delivery Professional

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Ky Ruchti Customer Service Representative

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Chris Oberbroeckling Dispatcher / Scheduler

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Kyle Wegmann Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Paul Ling Mechanic Equipment

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Marvin WulfekuhleAggregate Production Operator

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Jacob Krieg Rm Plant Maintenance Manager

Show Team Member Quote

Acting as One BARD gives us a leading edge when we tackle any project. We can pull multiple resources from all areas of our company and take on every project in the most efficient and effective way

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Tom GleasonPlant Manager Delivery Professional

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Eric Olson Training and Development Manager

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Brandon Dietzel Material Delivery Professional

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Austin EisfellerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Don KnoblichArea Maintenance Manger

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Steve Drexler Customer Service Representative

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Brian MormannAggregate Production Operator

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Tony DenlingerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Lynn Schmitz Finance Director

Show Team Member Quote

"Choosing to be Positive and Resilient" brings us to a mindfulness which helps one to face both challenges and opportunities and has been proven to line one up with their strengths.  At BARD we begin with a Positive and work towards building better Lives, Communities and Country.

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David Wilson Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Cody Preston Material Delivery Professional

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Dennis Bruck Material Delivery Professional

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Darcy BushLoader Operator

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Tim AulwesMaterial Delivery Professional

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Bryan Kelchen Mechanic Fleet

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Dennis Thier Chairman

Show Team Member Quote

If we can live up to our Core Values, we will be a better company for it. This is good for BARD, good for our employees, and good for our customers.

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Aaron PetersonEast Region North Area Manager

Show Team Member Quote

“Always Learn, Do, and Improve” is something I carry with me daily in my professional and personal life. No one is perfect; mistakes will happen. How we learn from those mistakes and move forward is what’s important. You don’t learn to walk from a book, you learn by trying.

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Shaun Dehning Stockpile Operator

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Kolton KuhlmanAggregate Production Operator

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Tara Mcshane Financial Analyst

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John BarlowMaterial Delivery Professional

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Dustin Leeser Material Delivery Professional

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Casey HonkompLogistics & Dispatch Director

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Penny Offerman Office Manager

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John ChandlerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Eric SeemanIT Support Specialist

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Brian ReckerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Don SchmelzerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Tim Nefzger Aggregate Production Foreman

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Sarah Summerville Dispatch Order Scheduler

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Lee Bush Material Delivery Professional

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Brett Broge Material Delivery Professional

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Brian KelleyPlant Manager Delivery Professional

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Ron WernimontTechnical Service Rep

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Halli Austin Customer Service Representative

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Bill BockenstedtAggregate Production Operator

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Mitchell GibbsMaterial Delivery Professional

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Greg Oxnem Material Delivery Professional

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Kevin AverkampEquipment Director and Fleet Manager

Show Team Member Quote

“Focus on the customer” It doesn’t matter what our department or our job title. At BARD, we all do whatever is needed to be sure the customer, our customer, gets the best service and products every time.

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Wayde ReuterMaterial Delivery Professional

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Andrew JacobsonMaterial Delivery Professional

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Scott Heberlein Material Delivery Professional

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Levi StoneMaterial Delivery Professional

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Michael SavagoMDP Dump

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Jim Naber Tractor Trailer Powder

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Wayne ThompsonMaterial Delivery Professional

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Willie HoutakkerMaterial Delivery Professional

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David HemmerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Austin StoffelIT System Administrator

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Brian King Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Dale GinterMechanic Fleet

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Nick Russell Material Delivery Professional

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Joe Pfeiler Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Dale CummerTractor / Trailer Powder Hauler

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LJ StoffelMaterial Delivery Professional

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Terry Monck Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Rick Kemp Material Delivery Professional

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Tony Thier President

Show Team Member Quote

Our Core Values guide our actions as we work to fulfill our Purpose; they are mutually inclusive and support each other. They aren’t for everyone, but they are for everyone at BARD.

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Alex Ries Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Arnie Beckley Material Delivery Professional

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Nick Stoll Material Delivery Professional

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Brian Smith Material Delivery Professional

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Cody Schmelzer Aggregate Production Operator

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Andrew BaconMaterial Delivery Professional

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Kevin SchauffMechanic

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Craig Gaul Material Delivery Professional

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Abigail HammannBusiness Analyst

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Paul Faust Material Delivery Professional

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Ken RundeTractor / Trailer Powder Hauler

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Randy BackesMechanic Equipment

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Jason McCartneyMaterial Delivery Professional

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Cathy Conzett Customer Service Representative

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Mark Droeszler Material Delivery Professional

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Gene Stimson Mechanic Fleet

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Danielle Manternach Business Analyst

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Jessica KempLeadership Development & Employee Resources Director

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Steve MescherStrategic Mentor

Show Team Member Quote

“Building and Maintaining Relationships” lasts a lifetime because it truly is more than just words people really do never forget how you made them feel. By doing this as a company we also help to Build Better Lives, Communities, and Country.

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David Heims Field Electronics Technician

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Marty Rundle Material Delivery Professional

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Jim Mcdermott Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Andy Breiner Material Delivery Professional

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Jeff SteeleMaintenance Manager

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Jeremy AmbrosyT & T Material

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Herb Deutmeyer Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Kent Mysak Material Delivery Professional

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Bob Naber Material Delivery Professional

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Morgan BuddeMarketing and Recruitment Manager

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Matt Weinschenk Mechanic Fleet

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Stephen CordtsMaterial Delivery Professional

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Dylan ShafferCentral Batch Manager

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DeLon KeepersMaterial Delivery Professional

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Joe JensenPlant Manager Delivery Professional

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Chris Kehler Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Chad Thier Vice President Operations

Show Team Member Quote

At BARD we are committed to always learning doing and improving in all that we do - this allows us to be ready in the moments of need that we know lie waiting to test and reveal us in the future.

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Eric Glendenning Technical Services Director

Show Team Member Quote

Being “Committed to Quality” is about both knowledge and understanding: understanding what our customer needs, and having the knowledge and information in order to deliver.

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Joe Maluchnik Material Delivery Professional

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Brian Thornton Off-Road Equipment Manager

Show Team Member Quote

We realize that everyone is different. We all have different thoughts and opinions on any given situation. We choose to “Be Humble” and worry about what is the best way to resolve the situation, not who had the best idea.

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Brian Luchene Technical Service Rep

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Josh Schlueter Material Delivery Professional

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Todd MielkeMaterial Delivery Professional

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Quinn Warner Material Delivery Professional

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Braedon BurlesonEnvironmental Health & Safety Professional

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Steve Klostermann Material Delivery Professional

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Aaron GlendenningSafety & Environmental Director

Show Team Member Quote

"Owning Safety" for our families, for ourselves, and for each other has a powerful impact on why we do what we do. It's not about what we protect ourselves from, it's about what we protect ourselves for.

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Tyler VosebergMaterial Delivery Professional

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Ben SchroederLand and Mine Development Director

Show Team Member Quote

“Build and maintain relationships” is important in our company. At the end of the day, people like to do business with the people they like.

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Gerald LoeffelholzPlant Manager Delivery Professional

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Stephen KelleyMaterial Delivery Professional

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Gary FischerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Jimmy ConnerDispatcher / Scheduler

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Jalee FrommeltConstruction Materials Lab Technician

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Kenny Kuhlman Assistant Production Manager

Show Team Member Quote

By Acting as One BARD, we are able to maintain effective communication across all areas of the company, giving us a edge when approaching challenges that arise in an always changing and competitive marketplace.

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Dan OlberdingTractor / Trailer Powder Hauler

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Jodi BurlesonAccounting Generalist

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Mike LeuchsProduction Utility Operator

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Jon ShafferPlant Manager Delivery Professional

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Brandon Zasada Mechanic Fleet

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Landen KnappMechanic

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Rick RundeMaterial Delivery Professional

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Roger SmithMaterial Delivery Professional

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Alex GribbenAssistant Aggregate Production Director

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Isaac Willenbring Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Pat OberbroecklingMaterial Delivery Professional

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Jason JeanProduction Utility Worker

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Chad FischerMaterial Delivery Professional

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Travis KielerAggregate Production & Ready Mix Parts & Utility

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Rick TowsleyMaterial Delivery Professional

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Scott Mcphail Material Delivery Professional

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Mark SperfslageMaterial Delivery Professional

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Nathan BaileyAggregate Production Driller

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Tracy DeutmeyerCustomer Service Representative

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Lonnie Brinkman Material Delivery Professional

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Rick DuddeckMaterial Delivery Professional

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Josh CochranMaterial Delivery Professional

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Joe RyanMaterial Delivery Professional

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Mark Lewis Material Delivery Professional

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Jim CalvertCentral Batch/Plant Manager

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Jan Aschliman Material Delivery Professional

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Tony Grawe Technical Service Rep

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Leland AdamsMaterial Delivery Professional

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Mike Orcutt Dispatch Manager

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Tony Kluesner Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Brian Scharpf Material Delivery Professional

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Dan LawlerArea Manager (West Region South)

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Bruce Beyer Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Jane KuhlmanCompliance Coordinator

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Jacob Ricketts Health and Wellness Manager

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Curt Lange Material Delivery Professional

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Joe LathamPlant Maintenance Mechanic

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Mark GerhardsMaterial Delivery Professional

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Abdullah Al Saad Materials Scientist

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Kevin Cue Plant Manager Delivery Professional

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Matt GornikMaterial Delivery Professional

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Chris GaffneyMaterial Delivery Professional/Dump

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Rick WilliamsMaterial Delivery Professional

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Larry SchmidtMaterial Delivery Professional

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Troy HawkinsonMaterial Delivery Professional

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Robert SavagoMechanic

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Doug PiotrowskiMechanic

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Scott GlendenningEast Region South Area Manager

Show Team Member Quote

At BARD, we think about ourselves less and have a willingness to help others with no recognition needed.

BARD team photo
Top Workplace

We believe success comes from the engagement and wellbeing of our people.

We are on a journey to become a Top Workplace where every team member can thrive. We take pride in achieving employee engagement scores that rank in the top 10% of our industry worldwide. This vision motivates us to implement strategies and practices that actualize our team's potential.

Learn about becoming a BARD MDP.


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